Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Peter Jenkins - A Walk Across America

 I have never met Peter Jenkins, though after reading the book A Walk Across America, I feel like I have spent 2 years walking from New York to Alabama with him and his dog Cooper. Peter Jenkins, was an art student at Alfred University from a wealthy family in Connecticut. He married a girl from back home, but after she moved to be with him at Alfred the relationship fell apart. Peter was devastated and started to blame America. He felt that he needed to leave the country to clear his mind. A close friend told him to give it one last chance and that is where he got the idea to walk across america.

Peter left in October of 1973 from New York. He walked through Pennsylvania to Washington D.C. where Peter met with National Geographic and was given a camera and film to record his trip for a later issue of the magazine. Peter continued through West Virginia and Virginia alone with his thoughts and his dog. He met a mountain man named Homer who lived a life of solitude in a small one room cabin. Peter thought this life may have been the answer he was looking for, but continued on to finish his discovery of true America.

Peter walked every day until he ran out of money. He knew that this would happen and was prepared to live and work wherever he ended up until he could afford to move on. Peter was able to live with a gracious black family in North Carolina. He worked at a sawmill and learned a lot about the plight of southern black people and poor small town workers. He gained a spiritual routine at the black church that the family attended. After saving enough money,he moved on and stayed at a farm commune in Tennessee. He did not agree with the lack of individuality at the commune so he continued south to Alabama. In Alabama he met the friendly governor and his future wife who would continue with him on his trip west.

According to Peter Jenkins, "I left in search of God and country and discovered both." I am inspired by the independence and determination of Peter Jenkins and hope to eventually make my own walk someday and discover America for myself.

For more information about Peter Jenkins and his journey, check out the book A Walk Across America and the second book in the series A Walk West.