Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Finding Silence

Graduation is five weeks away and there are only a few exams and assignments left before I walk across the stage with my diploma in hand. I have a job and an apartment waiting for me in Peoria. Caterpillar has already planned the projects that I will be working on for the rest of the year. How should I feel about ending a routine of semesters, exams, and holiday breaks for a routine that will continue for decades until retirement? I know that in a few years when I am settled and comfortable, I am at a great risk of falling into a monotonous 'hate my job' routine without excitement or adventure. 

But that won't be me...

This video inspires me to keep my work and life balanced. I am passionate about trail running and the feeling of escape that it creates. I have plans to run and bike all over the world and working hard will help pay for it. I do not fear the loud working world because I know that silence and adventure are never far away.

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